Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Be Humble - Hesychius of Sinai

Snow can never emit flame.
Water can never issue fire.
A thorn bush can never produce a fig.
Just so, your heart can never be free
from oppressive thoughts, words, and actions
until it has purified itself internally.

Be eager to walk this path.
Watch your heart always.
Constantly say the prayer
“Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.”
Be humble.
Set your soul in quietness.

The more the rain falls on the earth,
the softer it makes it;
similarly, Christ’s holy name
gladdens the earth of our heart
the more we call upon it.

— Hesychius of Sinai

 Fr. John McGuckin - Humble Prayer .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

I was praying in the bed today, lamenting the gap between Christ and me. It's no use quoting scripture at myself when my conscience condemns me.

Many people who are experienced at prayer will tell you that as soon as you commit yourself to talk to God, the accuser [spit on the ground] will remind you of every sin you've ever committed. Or is it sometimes the Holy Spirit? It's not always easy to tell. Here's the answer though, IT DOESN'T MATTER.

If it's God reminding you about your sin, repent. Call someone you love and trust (someone who agrees with God about your sin) and tell them about it. There's an incredible freedom that comes from not hiding. This freedom is, by the way, very important to the gospel (John 3:19). Necessary, in fact.

If it's the enemy, repent. Take yourself and your shame out of his hands. Call someone you love and trust (someone who agrees with God about your sin) and tell them about it. There's an incredible freedom that comes from not hiding. This freedom is, by the way, very important to the gospel (John 3:19). Necessary, in fact.

Do you see it? Our sin really does separate us from God, not because it keeps Him away, but because it keeps us away from Him. Almost no one is willing to bite the bullet of confession so that they can pray. Instead, we convince ourselves that our sin isn't a problem but we still never pray. As if there's anything else! There isn't. We were made for Him, to obey and enjoy Him forever. If we don't have that, we don't have anything. The doors of hell are locked from the inside.

So this morning I asked God to crush me and set me on fire (Luke 20:18, Luke 3:16, Luke 12:49). Sometimes I have the grace to throw myself on his mercy. Other times I can't even do that. But He is faithful to undo me and let me try again (Lam 3:22-23).

No sooner had I prayed for this, to be crushed and burned, than Isaac came toddling bleary-eyed out of his room. "I wake up! Can I have some chocolate milk please?" Oh Jesus! Your yoke is easy and your burden is light (Matt 11:30).

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